Top 6 posts in the HR space ( July 28th – August 3rd)

Weekly Wrap Top HR Articles in the past 7 days

HR on Cloud

We know that being an HR manager can be particularly taxing – from outlining workplace rules to preventing the next discrimination lawsuit. Wouldn’t you just love it if all the latest in HR news was condensed into a capsule for a quick read? Help us, help you stay updated.

Are Your Company’s Cultural Practices Truly Competitive?

Why you should read it : See how you measure up compared to Fortunes’ 100 Best Companies to work for list.

Synopsis : Great Place to Work uses a framework known as ‘VOAHI’ (pronounced “Voh-ah-hi”), to measure a company’s culture practices. Jessica Rohman breaks down the acronym and gives examples to help us see these policies in play. Besides being fun to say VOAHI also provides companies with a starting point to begin improving their employee engagement.

What it Takes to Become a Socially Intelligent Leader

Why you should read it: Being socially Intelligent is the key to being a loved and effective leader.

Synopsis: The right approach at the right time can help diffuse the most volatile of situations. Daniel Goleman uses an apt example to demonstrate how empathy is essential for people in managerial positions. “To manage people effectively, a socially intelligent leader pays attention to these undercurrents of ambivalence because they affect people’s abilities to perform at their best.”

Are Gender Diversity Programs Hitting a Brick Wall?

Why you should read it : What do we do when our biases overflow into our technology ?

Synopsis: Carnegie Mellon University built a tool called Ad Fisher that tracked how user behavior on Google influenced the personalized Google ads that each user saw. According to results, a male job seeker looking for a high-paying executive position is shown relevant ads 1,852 times compared to 318 times to the female job-seekers with the same credentials. Dana Wilkie talks about how important it is for companies to teach its employees to recognise bias so it doesn’t overflow into their products.

Workplace Culture Is THE Key To Creating Better Employee Well-Being

Why you should read it : It’s time we realize that a great workplace culture and employee well-being are one of the same thing.

Synopsis : “People want to work for organizations that truly value them as thinking, evolving, and complex-systems capable, not just as cogs in the company machine.” Rosie Ward explains how fixing workplace culture is like treating the underlying infection versus treating the symptoms. It may take more time but it’s necessary for the long run.

Why Make Applicants Jump Through Rings Of Fire?

Why you should read it : In today’s candidate – driven market, do we really want to frustrate our candidates with an inefficient & time consuming application ?

Synopsis : Does knowing which month a candidate quit his/her first job influence our decision to hire him/her in the slightest of ways? Then why do we take up so much of their precious time by asking them to fill out unnecessarily tedious applications and frustrate them in the process. Charlene Long talks about how we can simplify the recruiting process for our candidates without adding more to our plates.

It’s Embarrassing: Every Business Function Measures Quality, Except Recruiting

Why you should read it: “You can’t improve what you don’t measure, and generally whatever you measure improves”

Synopsis : In today’s data driven world every process’ efficiency can be measured. Most business functions have even reached the six sigma level. So why is recruiting late to the party? Dr. John Sullivan states the 3 reasons why we need to measure the performance of new hires and how to go about doing so.

Why Are 85% Of German Employees Disengaged At Work?

Why you should read it : German engineering or any german product for that matter has always been associated with efficiency. So what is making their current workforce so disengaged ?

Synopsis : According to research done by Gallup, about half of German managers believe that they were hired for their current position due to their expertise and tenure in the company or field, while 47 percent believed their managerial status was due to their success in a previous non-managerial role. Derek Irvine draws conclusions about how the German culture is cause an country wide epidemic of disengagement.

TAGS: Culture, HR, Human Resources

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