
The importance of further training and education for employees

Businesses today must do everything possible to stay competitive and maintain a highly skilled, motivated staff. Despite today’s very competitive job market, employees often have little hesitation when it comes to searching for a new job if they become unhappy with their current employer. In order to keep employees satisfied, boost morale, and remain competitive, … Read more
Keep Workplace

Can technology improve employee engagement?

Introduction: Studies around the world have revealed that engagement levels have a direct impact on employee’s performance and consequently on the bottom line. Thus a well established co-relation exists between employee engagement and business results. Engagement : Some Quotes (from articles in professional journals) » Work never kills a person; the absence of it (unemployment) … Read more

Search for Talent

‘India’s Talent Khoj (Search)’: a program on the television channel ‘Colors’ can be viewed as a process of discovering latent potential of individuals & teams. This potential exists in different forms, called skills & competencies by the management experts. These skills could relate to singing, dancing, magic, acrobatics, instrumental music and a host of other … Read more

Penny-wise Pound-foolish approach in HRM

Synopsis: HR function in most organizations is a cost center. In different industry verticals, HR costs are metered in terms of: HR staff per 100 employees employees wages as a % of total expenditure hiring costs per employee total HRM costs as a % of company revenue, and similar other statistics. Are these metrics also … Read more

Managing performance of workers

Organizations in the manufacturing and service sectors such as hospitality, infrastructure, security, logistics and retail have a large component of their work force below the supervisor levels. In general, work force below officer/supervisor level is referred to as workers or blue collared workforce. This article discusses issues related to performance management of workers. Special characteristics … Read more

Value systems in life

PREFACE Value Systems exist in different forms such as social values, organizational values, human values & personal values. Often these are defined in Citizen’s Charters, Code of Conduct and as Leadership Attributes. All forms of value systems are largely based on ethics, morality and virtues. Over the years, values have been corrupted by over-ambition. This … Read more

Managing Non Performers

Organizations today focus mostly on managing high performers, probably as a risk mitigation measure. After all, high-performers are considered as the drivers of business and their retention is a high priority for the organization. This blog, however, examines how to manage non-performers which may account for 10-20% of employee strength.   Who are non-performers ? … Read more

Utilizing employee performance appraisal systems optimally?

In most organizations an employee performance appraisal process runs a few times during the year. If designed appropriately, significantly more information can be captured and analyzed by organizations. This may require some modifications to the appraisal instrument such that it can be used for employee feedback, self development and studying the rating patterns of supervisors … Read more
HR Checklist

Checklist for HR Effectiveness

This survey is a self-help tool that can help you gauge the effectiveness of your HR function. The following steps need to be followed to use the tool. Select the size of your organization. Check the statements that you believe are applicable and leave the others blank. Click on the ‘Calculate HR Effectiveness’ button at … Read more
Recruitment process

I interviewed and the recruiter won’t get back to me

I recently read a great blog post by Suzanne Lucas at the URL I Interviewed and the Recruiter Won’t Get Back to Me. What Suzanne talks about is the suspense a candidate faces post an interview. In today’s job market where jobs are scarce, each person wants to hear the results and then make choices … Read more