HR Statistics For Human Resource Management

Biggest HR Question of First decade of 21st Century?

The world economics went through a big turmoil during the third/fourth week of September 2008. The news of debacle of major financial giants like Lehman Brothers, AIG and Merrill Lynch scared event the most patient investor across the world. In the middle of the same turmoil (whether somebody noticed or not) TT Ram Mohan, Editor … Read more
hr executive

Invite your CEO to wear HR’s Shoes

I posted the Talent Junction blog posts – “How HR Manager can improve Performance“. It was very well received by the HR community (Read by 2,879 HR professionals). A fellow HR professional replied to my post with this very interesting email seeking help. “Hello Mr. Gireesh, I have read your Article. It’s Brilliant. I am … Read more

Leadership insights on “Budgeting for Growth”

I was invited to a attend a seminar conducted by a local chapter of a management group. The conference was on “Budgeting for Growth“, where experts and industry leaders shared their views on optimizing budgets for marketing, infrastructure, information technology and HR. Since my interest is in HR, I captured and am sharing the viewpoints … Read more
Performance factor

What the hell has an “Axe” to do with Performance Management business?

Thomas, Karl, Steve, Martha, Matthew, Bill and so many others in the organization complained of work pressure, unachievable targets, peer pressure, time management and loss of work life balance. Despite working hard, their performance was going down and impacting organization’s bottom line. Who is to blame for poor performance of employees and business? Ask line … Read more

You Can Only Improve What You Can Measure

Going through a book on Six Sigma, I came across this very popular statement “You Can Only Improve What You Can Measure“. Does it hold true for HR also? Why not? If the answer to above is ‘Yes’, then for HR to improve its processes it is important to measure the current effectiveness. Here is … Read more

10 things about Technology every HR Manager should know

After spending a lot of time working on HR technology, I have just tried to collaborate some of the technology knowledge that any HR Manager should know. 1. The Era of Excel is over, its no more the most Powerful tool. There was a time when Excel Geeks were highly in demand. Everybody will approach … Read more
Top 10 HR Best Practices

Top 10 HR Best Practices

Here are the Top Ten HR Best Practices that can help you achieve your organizational goals every year. 1. Safe, healthy and happy workplace In today’s competitive business environment, it is important to attract and retain top talent, and cultivate a positive work culture. Creating a safe, healthy and happy workplace ensures that employees feel … Read more

Denying Leave can cause emotional distress – Granting Leave can hamper project deliveries! What to do?

I read an interesting case study in Human Capital magazine that was titled ‘hey! I put in my papers!”. The case study was about a brilliant engineer joining a big brand employer and leaving the organization within 2 years with dejected feelings. Among many unfortunate things that happened to this engineer, the most prominent was … Read more

Performance Driven Culture – Key to Organizational Success

Definition of a Performance-Driven Culture According to a Gartner lexicon, performance-driven culture is a management style that looks at creating a balance between focusing on financial measures, and use of leading performance indicators and weak signals, to drive better business outcomes. Efficient leaders will seek to create a performance-driven culture, in which your business strategies will … Read more

Evolution of the HR Function

A few years ago, during a client interaction, I was surprised by a question on security practices in our company. Apparently, the client measured the maturity of their vendors based on the security practices prevalent in the vendor’s premises. After all, they wanted to entrust their data with us! This scenario vividly illustrates the importance … Read more