Improve Employee Accountability in the Workplace

employee accountability

Leave & Attendance, Performance Management

HR leaders admit that employee accountability in the workplace is crucial to a business’s success as a whole. But often employee accountability withers away in the long thread of workflow processes, protocols and red tapism. We at Empxtrack, believe that every employee, irrespective of the level of seniority, is equally responsible for aiding in the success of his organization. To make this happen, we have designed and packaged 30+ modules in our cloud based HR software solutions. These modules help mangers in mapping and improving employee accountability. In this blog, we will explore how businesses can become more efficient and productive, and ensure employee accountability in the workplace, by adopting a global HR software.

Time and Attendance Software

Lately, biometric devices have become ubiquitous. One of the key reasons behind its popularity in the workplace is its capability to eliminate time theft or “buddy punching”. A growing concern amongst HR managers is the integration of an HR solution with their biometric devices. With the pairing of biometric devices with an automated time and attendance software, manager can easily maintain time and work reports, thus making him responsible and accountable.

Goal Setting and Tracking Software

This is one of the most effective “employee accountability mapping” tool. Many users of Empxtrack have acknowledged that they could foster employee accountability by setting and tracking goals using a goal setting and tracking software. With this tool, HR managers, project managers and team leaders can set specific, achievable, measurable, time-bound and results-oriented goals for their sub-ordinates.

Pay for Performance

Empxtrack Pay for Performance module allows HR teams and managers to accurately compensate employees for their performance. Critical goals (such as profitability, revenue growth, market share) can be included in Variable Pay plans for all employees. This encourages employee accountability in the workplace.


An efficient HR software solution gives the employees a sense of empowerment. It increases their morale and helps in striking a better work life balance. And with this comes employee accountability in workplace, as they have get more control over their working lives.

TAGS: Attendance, Goal Setting, HR, HR Software, HR Technology

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