Is your Performance Management too Complex? Empxtrack can Simplify it!

Performance management

Performance Management

As stated by Wikipedia, “Employee performance management process includes activities which ensure that goals are consistently being met in an effective and efficient manner. The process helps focus on performance of the organization, department, employee, or even the various processes that are a part of the organizations business. A well-defined performance management enables an organization to align their resources, systems and employees to strategic objectives and priorities.”

Most employee performance management processes do not work because they are either too complicated or difficult to implement. While each business has its own specific needs, there are a common set of parameters that help in an implementing an effective performance management process. Instead of carrying out annual appraisals, it is suggested to implement a well-thought performance management process in place to continuously monitor employee performance and mentor them as and when needed.

Empxtrack performance management system focuses on –

  1. Setting employee goals that are aligned with organizational objectives
  2. Tracking and evaluating employee performance throughout the year
  3. Collecting feedback from multiple sources including an employee’s peers, seniors, juniors and even the customers
  4. Creating performance improvement and employee development plans
  5. Identifying and rewarding top performers

All of the above activities when carried on paper or email lead to significant complexity. Using this approach, it is difficult to manage the process, derive meaningful results in a timely manner, aligning employees and using the outputs for employee development. Empxtrack reduces complexities in the manual performance management process and allows organizations to use technology to their advantage.

Key Requirements for a Performance Management Software:

Access employee data anytime anywhere

Many organizations use time-consuming paper-based performance management procedures which makes it difficult to retrieve meaningful data.

Goal setting and employee appraisals become complex when paper-based approach is used. For instance, creating appraisal forms, its distribution and follow up with all the stakeholders becomes a time-consuming and tedious task.

Empxtrack cloud-based performance management software makes employees’ appraisal data and other information accessible to users in just few clicks. Goal management, self-feedback, publishing of peer feedback and appraisal ratings, development of performance improvement plan and skill development programs take place online. All stakeholders involved in the process can digitally participate and perform tasks through the portal, resulting into seamless experience.

Simplified performance evaluation

Evaluating employee performance while considering past appraisal records is a strenuous task for managers. Time-consuming paper work, in fact, makes it even more complex and painstaking. In some cases, managers are unable to track employee progress and achievement of their goals on a periodic basis.

With Empxtrack, managers can view historical appraisal data of their subordinates to make informed decisions. The software accelerates distribution of self-evaluation forms, collection of feedback from multiple stakeholders, comparison of employees on different competencies and related tasks.

Identification of correct development needs

Manual appraisals make it challenging for HR and managers to identify sudden variations in employee performance. It becomes difficult for them to establish employee development plans without truly knowing employees’ strengths and weaknesses.

However, Empxtrack performance management maintains performance record of each employee, thus encouraging correct decision making by managers. Being aware of employee needs, assists managers in recommending suitable training programs for their team. Empxtrack training management tool supports creation, planning and allocation of training programs that boosts overall performance of employees.

Clear communications on performance standards

For large sized teams, it becomes demanding for managers to devote time to one-on-one interactions.

Since we believe that direct and continuous communication is a key to success, it becomes important for managers and HR to give continuous performance feedback to employees. Clarity of goals and setting performance standards, gives a chance to employees to overcome their shortcomings and meet manager’s expectations.

In presence of a performance management system, employees can regularly receive manager’s comments on their performance without having one-on-one meetings. Isn’t this great!


Managing employee performance is an ongoing procedure and a cloud based performance management system helps managers and HR to get a clear view on employee goals, performance and development needs. Skill and competency gaps can be identified and filled accordingly by allocating the most appropriate training interventions.

Employees feel encouraged and valued when they are given opportunities to improve their skills and competencies.

Taking care of employee interests increases employee engagement and retention. It leads to creation of best talent pipeline to have competitive edge over competitors!

If your managers are unable to set goals and track employee performance, you should try and get an automated performance management system that can help them overcome challenges associated with managing an employee performance management process in your organization.

TAGS: Employee Productivity, Goal Setting, HR, Performance appraisal, Performance Management, Talent Management, Training and Development

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