The weekly wrap May 4th – May 10th

Weekly Wrap Top HR Articles in the past 7 days

HR on Cloud

We know that being an HR manager can be particularly taxing – from outlining workplace rules to preventing the next discrimination lawsuit. Wouldn’t you just love it if all the latest in HR news was condensed into a capsule for a quick read? Help us help you stay updated. Subscribe to our blog posts for the latest updates, every Monday. Alternately, follow us on Twitter for live updates on what’s hot and what’s not in the HR space.

Your Future as a Recruiter: You Better Know How to Sell, Because Most of What You Do Today Will Be Done By Technology

Why you should read it: “The forgotten skills of selling and influencing will become dominant for corporate recruiters”, with technology making the roles of recruiters redundant. And how do you stay ahead of the game?

Synopsis : Today, the unprecedented speed of innovation has made disruptive technology a regular topic of discussion in every industry. Dr. John Sullivan, an internationally renowned HR thought leader from Silicon Valley, talks about how jobs currently performed by recruiters, such as Matching, Resume Screening and Interviewing, will soon become obsolete due to technological advancement. “Fortunately for recruiters, selling and influencing will become the skill set that can’t be replaced with technology.”

(Be sure to read the lively and informative discussion in the comment section)

Demystifying High-Performance Teams!

Why you should read this: Dilip Saraf’s insightful article helps you build high performing teams and fix non-performing ones.

Synopsis: Dilip Saraf breaks down team-building into four distinct elements: Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing. This article helps you identify the stage of evolution your team is in and then move your band of people seamlessly along the team-building process; with some customised quick tips.

Teach A Man To Fish: Training vs. Education

Why you should read it: Learn how to give your employees the right tools to innovate and keep up with the rapid pace of change, prevalent today.

Synopsis: In this article, Daniel Burrus makes an important distinction between training and education. According to Daniel, by training employees and simultaneously educating them – on the reasoning behind the current processes – you are empowering your employees to be ahead of the curve. You are also giving them the tools to innovate and rapidly solve problems.

5 Things You Need To Know About Telecommuting

Why you should read it: Read this post to learn all about the importance of providing workplace flexibility, and if it’s right for your employees.

Synopsis: Workplace flexibility is rapidly becoming a competitive necessity. Jacob Morgan brings us advice from industry biggies, such as Dell, Xerox and Aetna, on the important procedures that must not be overlooked to reap the benefits of telecommunication.

HR 2020

Why you should read it: The future of HR looks drastically different from what it is today. Take a sneak peak into this dynamic future, with the help of Andrew R. Mcllvine.

Synopsis: “I think 20 percent who are in HR currently are very good and will succeed in the future and 20 percent today aren’t very good and probably won’t be in it tomorrow. The interesting part is the 60 percent in the middle: Will they be able to grow and get better or will they not?”

From maintaining a workforce that is largely composed of freelancers to getting employees comfortable working with robots and other automation; Andrew R. Mcllvaine reckons the HR field will be drastically different by 2020.

3 Things That Get in the Way of Employee Feedback

Why you should read it: To get the maximum value out of your employee feedback.

Synopsis: Although surveys provide an easy-to-read snapshot of employee engagement, they rarely ever contain the whole story. In this blog post, Heather Nelson outlines how we can get actionable and in-depth information by just asking the right questions and not being afraid to receive feedback from our employees.

Welcome new employees in style, or else.

Why you should read it: Michael Polivka puts to rest any doubts that you may have about the importance of a well-defined employee on-boarding process.

Synopsis: “In our gardens, for example, before a plant can take root and thrive on its own, it needs the right conditions (soil, water, fertilizer, sunlight) and some extra attention. New hires are the same way”. Michael Polivka states the importance of having a process to help new employees acclimate to their new work environment, and points out the dangers of skipping this vital step.

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