Top 7 posts in the HR space ( December 22nd – December 28th)

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Want Top-Performing Hires? Learning Ability May Be The No. 1 Predictor

Why you should read it : According to Googles’ Lazlo Block, learning ability is the single most important competency across jobs.

Synopsis : Being able to quickly grasp new concepts is vital to keep up with todays vital pace of innovation. Although many hiring managers realize this, they do not know how to test for one’s learning ability in an interview. Dr. John Sullivan covers the importance of the ability to learn in a candidate and how to test for it, in this article.

Getting Strategic on Mobility Programs

Why you should read it : The best pool of candidates are your own internal employees.

Synopsis : According to a survey 32% of employees keep their intent to apply for positions within the company a secret from their manager. Lin Grensig-Pophal investigates the need for such secrecy.

Why You Should Tell High-Potential Employees That They’re HIPOs

Why you should read it : There is no reason you shouldn’t tell your HIPOs that you consider them to be special.

Synopsis : It is common for companies to have a HIPO program, but more often than not HR does not tell the selected employees that they have been chosen for the program. One of the common reasons that HR gives for not disclosing the members of this ‘elite’ group is that they don’t want to demoralize the employees who didn’t make the cut. But what most employers don’t realize is that once HIPO’s know that they are in this distinguished club, they are less likely to jump ship.

A Holiday Season Reminder: Why It’s Important To Take Some Time Off

Why you should read it : Research has shown that working more than 8 hours on average keeps us from doing our best.

Synopsis : According to a study by the Center of Economic Policy and Research study, 25% of all U.S. employees don’t take any vacation at all. Dr. Tasha Eurich, links multiple studies in her article that point out all the detrimental effects of working more than 8 hours on average. One of the study states that people that work 11 hours on average are twice more likely to develop depression compared to those who work 8 hours.

The On-Demand Economy: Revising The Rules For Independent Contractors

Why you should read it : The economy is transforming into an on-demand economy at a pace faster than the regulations can keep up with. 

Synopsis : The American legislation was written at a time when the common man had to be protected from the all-powerful corporations. But as we move towards the gig-economy and more and more americans classify themselves as independent contractors, there are a number of loopholes in the current legislation that need to be fixed.

Why Managers Have To Develop Emotional Intelligence

Why you should read it : More often than not, when management fails at it’s job it’s because it lacks the emotional intelligence to carry out their task.

Synopsis : The ‘X’ factor that makes a manager good at his or her job is the presence of Emotional Intelligence. In the US, billions of dollars a year are lost because employees don’t feel motivated to work for the person who manages them. Although Emotional Intelligence is an inherent skill, it can still be improved and worked upon by being more patient and listening to those around us.

Loyalty has no place in the corporate world

Why you should read it : Olivia Barrow turns our concept of company loyalty on its head.

Synopsis : Recently a CEO told our author that loyalty has no place in the corporate world. Being a strong proponent of this concept, Ms. Barrow was rather baffled with this statement. But after conversing with friends and colleagues, Ms. Barrow changed her mind. Read this article to challenge your opinion.

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