Top 7 posts in the HR space ( August 12th – August 18th)

Weekly Wrap Top HR Articles in the past 7 days

HR on Cloud

We know that being an HR manager can be particularly taxing – from outlining workplace rules to preventing the next discrimination lawsuit. Wouldn’t you just love it if all the latest in HR news was condensed into a capsule for a quick read? Help us, help you stay updated.

Why Online Onboarding Is Better For Your Employees

Why you should read it : Switching to online on-boarding can save you a numerous amount of resources

Synopsis : Nervous about how your manager with poor-people skills is going to orient your organization’s new employees? Or about the cost of flying out senior leadership for the ‘corporate’ in-person orientation. These are just a few of the problems that online on-boarding solves. Valerie Dixon makes a strong case about why we should leave the archaic ‘Welcome’ binders in the past. 

Is Extended Paid Parental Leave the Wave of the Future?

Why you should read it : Read about the ripple effect caused by Netflix’s new paid parental leave.

Synopsis : On August 4th Netflix caused a frenzy by announcing that it would now be offering unlimited, paid parental leave for the first year following a birth or adoption of a child. This caused a lot of worry amongst smaller companies with budgetary constraints. Susan Milligan calculates whether paid parental leave and other benefits provided to employees with ailing relatives are beneficial to a company’s bottom line or not.

Short-Term Incentives Are Playing Larger Retention Role

Why you should read it : Yet another article to give you an edge in the fight to retain your employees in this labour-tightening market.

Synopsis : According to Sarah McLellan, the North America practice leader for rewards at Towers Watson, “Retention is not about one thing. It is about getting the combination right—and knowing what that combination looks like at the competition” .  And we whole heartedly agree with her. Although pay-raises for US employees are expected to grow at 3% in 2016, Stephen Miller believes that it will take more than raising short term incentives to retain top talent.

Want to Recruit Better Talent? Think Like a Marketer

Why you should read it : Set yourself apart from the competition for the dwindling pool of talent.

Synopsis : Unlike on formal job search sites, posting openings on social media outlets such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Twitter are free. And according to experts those recruited on social media are a better crop of candidates who are more likely to enjoy working for the company and to stick around. Greg Wright provides you with a list of pointers to help you get the most out of your social media job posting.

The Evolution of Employment

Why you should read it : Read about what the evolution of employment means for HR professionals.

Synopsis : This article features 2 out of the 3 the co-authors of the book ‘Lead the Work: Navigating a World Beyond Employment’, John Boudreau and David Creelman. In this book the authors state that companies should no longer focus on their employees but instead on the work that needs to be done and on delegating that work to the talent suited for the task. The authors use this platform to further explain what this means in terms of traditional employment.

Collaborative Learning On the Rise [infographic]

TAGS: Employment, HR, Human Resources, Recruitment

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