Top 7 posts in the HR space ( August 4th – August 11th)

Weekly Wrap Top HR Articles in the past 7 days

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We know that being an HR manager can be particularly taxing – from outlining workplace rules to preventing the next discrimination lawsuit. Wouldn’t you just love it if all the latest in HR news was condensed into a capsule for a quick read? Help us, help you stay updated.

Minimize Risk When Terminating Employees Who Steal Trade Secrets

Why you should read it : Learn how to act when every company’s worst nightmare comes true.

Synopsis : As soon as you realize that trade secrets have been misappropriated, it’s def con 1 and every one in the c-suite is looking for a head to place on the chopping block. But this exactly when you need to remain level headed and follow protocol to avoid being sued in the future. James M. Sconzo & Jonathan Sterling have put together detailed list to help you keep calm when everything hits the fan.

Your Goal As a Manager: Find Your Replacement

Why you should read it : Finding your replacement is not making yourself disposable, but quite the opposite.

Synopsis : The ability to delegate effectively is a necessary skill for every manager. Trusting your employees is not the same as giving up control, power and authority. On the contrary it makes space on the managers schedule to be a part of more important decisions in the firm. Sharlyn Lauby uses this article to discuss the nuances that are involved in picking your next in line.

Does Everyone In Your Employ Know Your Organization’s Purpose?

Why you should read it : “The aloofness that so many leaders wear as a badge of a honor is a long gone style.” So what’s in vogue now ?

Synopsis : If you’ve seen any period drama about the corporate set in the 70’s, you’ve seen the male leader walk past his underlings without giving them a second glance.  Ron Thomas talks about the beginnings of the is this disconnect and how it is just not acceptable anymore.

Don’t Pass On Game-Changer Candidates Who Are Still Rookies

Why you should read it : Avoid you biggest mistake yet by not passing up on those rookie game changers.

Synopsis : Hiring a game-changer is the ultimate feather in the recruiters cap. Although game-changers are easy to spot , what makes them un-attainable is the price tag that comes along with them. Your best bet as a recruiter is to find a rookie game changer i.e. before they get stamped with an unaffordable price tag . Dr. Sullivan ,once again, has some invaluable advice for us with this list on how to uncover the rookie game changers.

Why Chief Human Resources Officers Make Great CEOs

Why you should read it : The HR dept is no longer seen as the hub of mundane activities but as a cog necessary to implement major business strategies

Synopsis : Porsun Ghosh tells us why today high – level leadership and strategy implementation skills are now necessary qualities in every CHRO. After close examination of all the C-suite executives, the results show that CHRO is the closest to the CEo in terms of leadership style. Person Ghosh article gives us better insight into the impotance of the HR Dept. 

Netflix’s Extended Paid Parental Leave Sets New Bar

Why you should read it : Netflix just revealed its weapon of choice in the war for talent, parental benefits.

Synopsis : In the world of leave policies, Netflix is most famously known for it’s unlimited vacation policy. Recently, Netflix sent the Silicon Valley in a frenzy by announcing that parents were now entitled to a year of paid parental leave. This announcement was followed up by an announcement by Microsoft, doubling the paid leave it provided new Mothers. Stephen Miller discusses what this means for the rest of Silicon valley and those companies not housed in this piece of prime real estate.

TAGS: HR, Human Resources, parental leave

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