Top 7 posts in the HR space ( July 5th – July 13th)

Weekly Wrap Top HR Articles in the past 7 days

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Hiring Graduates: The Challenges

Why you should read it: Do the lack of people skills in graduates make them liabilities or do their blank slates make them the perfect candidates?

Synopsis :Most fresh graduates have little to no people skills. According to a study quoted by Ron Stewart in his article, approximately 83% of HR Directors believe that graduates that lack people skills are unlikely to become high performers. On the other hand 69% of graduates say that soft skills ‘get in the way of getting the job done’.  Ron Stewart helps us determine how much weight we should assign to pre-existing people skills while hiring a new graduate.

Silicon Valley Employment Benefits To Inspire Even The SMBs

Why you should read it: Mimic the perks provided to employees in Silicon Valley without breaking the bank.

Synopsis : The perks provided to employees by the likes of Google, Facebook, Twitter and other Silicon Valley natives are envied across the globe. Although most of these companies have deep pockets, not all of the perks provided by them are reserved for companies with big spending budgets. Will Bridges consolidated a list of benefits provided in Silicon Valley that can be replicated by SMB’s with no additional cost to them.

How America’s Workforce Has Changed Since 1977

Why you should read it: The last time the labor-participation rate was as low as it is today was in October 1977. David A. Graham takes a look at the composition and industry wise breakup of the American workforce in 1977 and 2015.

Synopsis : At first glance, the June 2015 job report released earlier this month paints a picture of health in regards to the US economy. With the unemployment rate down to 5.3%, the United States’ economy seems to be chugging along on the path to recovery. But David A. Graham takes a closer look and draws alarming comparisons between the composition of the American workforce today and that of the workforce in 1977.

Classic TLNT: The Biggest Lies You Always Hear From HR

Why you should read it: To breathe a sigh of relief and find solace in the fact that all your peers are saying the same lies.

Synopsis : “You can tell it to HR because we are always confidential” , nope , privileged conversations only extend to doctor – patient and attorney – client relationships. Tim Sackett authors an amusing list of lies that are taught to Human Resource professionals in HR 101.

The Viability of Banning Salary Negotiations

Why you should read it: Is banning salary negotiations the way to close the salary gap?

Synopsis : Transparency is the new best policy. Several companies are adopting different methods to abolish pay disparity due to discrimination based on gender or colour. Buffer recently took a bold step by publishing the compensation levels of all of its employees on its website. Reddit, under Ellen Pao’s tutelage,  went a different route and banned Salary negotiations, opting to pay its employees the market rate for the positions they hold. Joanne Sammer talks about the ripples this revolutionary move is causing.

How to Handle Rebellion on Your Team

Why you should read it: Learn how to get back in control the next time your meeting turns into a screaming match.

Synopsis : In order to avoid conflict, executives have turned meetings into forums for weekly updates instead of a healthy discussion on controversial topics. This approach destroys a great platform for innovation and makes meetings redundant. Richard A. Boyatzis has tried, tested and successfully used methods used on kindergartners to reign in unruly meetings.

Obama’s new overtime rules: How they’d work and who they’d affect

Why you should read it: “The proposed changes would more than double the salary threshold for overtime eligibility.”

Synopsis : Robert Parry answers all the question you might have about the changes in labour laws proposed by President Obama. Robert starts by explaining what the current overtime rules are and what the proposed changes to these rules are. He then goes on to answer questions such as what these changes mean for employers and why the biggest advocates of the proposal think these changes are necessary

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