Top 7 posts in the HR space ( June 15th – June 22nd)

Weekly Wrap Top HR Articles in the past 7 days

HR on Cloud

We know that being an HR manager can be particularly taxing – from outlining workplace rules to preventing the next discrimination lawsuit. Wouldn’t you just love it if all the latest in HR news was condensed into a capsule for a quick read? Help us, help you stay updated.

3 Millennial Insights Every Manager Must Know

Why you should read it: The most commonly quoted answer to the question, ‘why do millennials change jobs within the first year?’ is ‘because they’re in the wrong industry’. But the response does not mean what you think it does.

Synopsis : In exit interviews, most millennials  quote ’ill-suited industry’ as their reason to put in their papers. According to J.T. O’Donnell, what they really mean is that your company could not manage them properly or help them survive their first year in the working world. In this context, Ms. O’Donnell has three fresh insights for you, on how to retain your top millennials.

(This post is part of the #myindustry series, where professionals debate the state – and future – of their industry. Read similar posts here -> #myindustry )

Innovative Executives Know This Secret

Why you should read it: It is hard to detect creativity or innovation in an individual, while reading a resume or during an interview. Oscar Lopez Martin presents the perfect way to foster innovation, at work, without the pressure of hiring the most creative individuals.

Synopsis: “Lateral experience helps reveal hidden solutions, innovative features and dangerous failure modes”. Hiring creative and innovative people is essential for any company’s survival in this age of disruptive innovations. Oscar Lopez Martin believes that looking for individuals with a diverse resume might be a unique and effective way of fostering innovation.

Engage Employees through Personalized Motivation

Why you should read it: The latest trend in employee motivation is personalized motivation versus a one-size-fits-all approach.

Synopsis: According to Amanda Shore, you can classify the sources of employee motivation into five drivers. They are – sense of achievement, work and life balance, recognition and reward, happiness and respect, and professional development. Ms. Shore further claims that out of these, there is one driver that motivates us more than the others, and it is up to the HR team to figure this detail out for each of employee. This information can then be put to use to create a high performing workforce.

Ending Probationary Periods

Why you should read it: “Probationary periods can jeopardize the at-will employment status and may cause other serious legal ramifications for an organization”, says Carol Patton.

Synopsis: In today’s at-will employment culture, probationary periods have become redundant and occasionally a liability. The crux of at-will employment is that employees can be fired at any time, as long as the reason is legal. But employees tend to not understand this concept too well. Thus, most new employees erroneously view the probationary period as a training period during, which they cannot be fired. Additionally, others assume that the company will provide them with greater job security at the end of the probationary period.

The Advantages of an Agile Company Culture

Why you should read it: The Agile methodology, in software development, ‘lets you move fast and iterate as the market changes.’ Learn how you can apply this technique in your business plan.

Synopsis: Traditionally, software projects used the waterfall method of progression which is a sequential method that requires extensive planning. This methodology doesn’t hold well in the presence of unforeseen circumstances. Jacob Shriar argues that an ‘agile environment’ is more conducive to success, versus planning for success. The article contains a list of things you could do to make your company more agile and a case study that talks about how Spotify used the agile methodology to become a giant in the music industry.

Prevent Exit Interviews with Stay Interviews

Why you should read it: ‘Prevention is the best cure.’ Uncover conditions that may cause your employees to leave, before it is too late.

Synopsis : New employees have a fresh set of eyes, which gives them the ability to point out an error that you might have gotten accustomed to. According to research quoted by Sharlyn Lauby, “40% of employees who leave their job, do so within the first six months of employment”. Read how keeping recruiters in the loop during the transition period, for new employees, along with stay interviews can prevent your new talent from leaving.

6 Firing Tips for HR Managers

Why you should read it: Firing employees is the hardest and most unpleasant part of being in the HR business. Colin Gordon has tips on to make the experience easier for both employee and manager.

Synopsis: From carefully documenting reasons for firing the employee to keeping the process strictly legal; Colin helps readers understand the technique of letting go of an employee, in the most professional manner.

TAGS: Company Culture, HR News, weekly wrap

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