Top 7 posts in the HR space ( June 29th – July 4th)

Weekly Wrap Top HR Articles in the past 7 days

HR on Cloud

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The Most Buzzed-About Social Recruiting Posts Of The Week

Why you should read it: More than 90% of organizations now recruit with social media. See how these 3 trailblazers are getting it right.

Synopsis : Facebook, twitter and and Youtube are the most effective ways to reach Gen Y and Gen Z. But with all the the information available on the internet it’s difficult to stand out from the crowd. H.E.B. , IBM and Fidelity show us how capture the elusive unicorn named internet viral-ity .

HR and the Same-Sex Ruling

Why you should read it: The landmark hearing  by SCOTUS (Supreme Court of The United States) has HR departments scrambling to accommodate the new law.

Synopsis : Federalizing the right to marry is making the HR departments across the United States re-evaluate their benefits policies. Firms now have the option to remove the benefits they used to provide employees in domestic partnerships and only offer benefits to married couples as these pay-outs are not taxable. But they will have to consider the impact this will have on the employees and candidates, who see these benefits as recruitment and retention tools. Although this decision is beneficial for employers and employees, accommodating it is not as easy as extending benefits that were  perviously only provided to opposite sex couples, to same sex couples.

Facebook Mandates Interviewing at Least One Minority Candidate For Every Open Position…

Why you should read it: Find out what Facebook does to increase diversity in it’s workforce

Synopsis : After years of experience, hiring managers begin to predict what kind of a candidate would be perfect for a job, i.e. they form an image of the candidate they would like to plug into the opening. Facebook has made it mandatory for hiring managers to interview atlas one minority candidate for every job opening. Find out how this process helps increase the diversity quotient in Facebook’s workforce.

There Is No Talent Or Skills Shortage If You Can Recruit Talent Away From Your Competitors

Why you should read it: Using a talent or skills shortage for a poor workforce is a bad workman blaming his tools

Synopsis : Talent or skills shortage is never a problem faced by top firms, it is a problem that plagues companies with weak recruiting and employee branding. “the real problem for a single firm is not an actual shortage but the inability of your firm to attract currently employed and skilled individuals away from their present employer and over to your firm.” The article talk about how to update your fishing gear and get better bait to be able to catch more fish.

The Future of Employer Branding

Why you should read it: It’s time we stop talking about talent shortage and start talking about employer branding.

Synopsis : “Nowadays, employers without a proper online presence are seen as old-fashioned, and even unprofessional. A website that captures an employer’s brand, along with its values, culture, and objectives, is the bare minimum standard.” With the talent pool increasing in size the best way to reach these individuals is by an attractive employer brand online.

The Female CEO Reputation Premium

Why you should read it: The benefits of having more women in the C-suite are well documented, Weber Shandwick uncovered the ‘how’ female leadership impacts CEO and corporate reputation.

Synopsis : In March 2015, Weber Shandwick released a report titled ‘The CEO Reputation Premium: Gaining Advantage in the Engagement Era.’ The report had a sample size of 1,750 executives in large sized companies in 19 markets around the world. Weber Shandwick used this large sample size to segment the group into firms with male CEO’s and female CEO’s and then proceeded to outline the differences and similarities between the workings of the two firms.

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