Top 7 posts in the HR Space ( March 9th – March 14th)

HR on Cloud

We know that being an HR manager can be particularly taxing – from outlining workplace rules to preventing the next discrimination lawsuit. Wouldn’t you just love it if all the latest in HR news was condensed into a capsule for a quick read?

What Is the Meaning of HR Confidentiality?

Why you should read it : Many people erronouesly assume that like lawyers and doctors HR folk are meant to keep all information confidential.

Synopsis : Suzanne Lucas, spells out the rules that apply to the Human Resources department in the ‘’’’s human resources section. HR is legally bound to act, if they receive any information about a sexual harassment or a racially incident.

Candidates Want Simplicity and Status Updates When Applying

Why you should read it : A survey of 75,000 candidates determines the winner of the candidate experience awards.

Synopsis : Nearly half of 75,000 candidates surveyed in the process of determining the winners of the CandE Awards—as they are popularly known—said they never received status updates for their application. Additionally, 51 percent rated the overall application process between 1 and 3, with 1 representing a very negative experience and 5 representing a very positive experience.

How To Build Custom Behavioral Interview Questions

Why you should read it : Most behavioral interview questions are not questions at all. They are statements designed to get a candidate to reveal information in a job interview.

Synopsis : There are three parts to any well-formed behavioral interview question; the Opening, the Problem or Situation, and the Bar Raiser. Besides being a popular technique, behavioral interviewing is also more effective in many ways than other types of interviewing.

The Ultimate Workplace Power? When Managers Decide To Apologize

Why you should read it : Acknowledging that you heard your employees’ feedback, that you took it seriously, and you’re working on it, sends two powerful messages.

Synopsis : A simple act of openness and vulnerability can help shift your team from a passive, mildly disengaged team to an eager, “How can we provide more value?” kind of a team.

Sabermetrics — The Future Of Corporate Talent Metrics … Is Already Here

Why you should read it : Sabermetrics is the empirical analysis of baseball, which can be successfully applied to talent metrics

Synopsis : Today’s sabermetrics have a broad coverage, they are practical, easy to understand, and have a direct application to the corporate talent management world. In this article John lists out the amazing metrics and metric features already established in Baseball.

Why Job Rotation Can Drive Engagement – And Improve Your Workplace

Why you should read it : Would it not be fantastic if the boss feels how it is to do your job? If only for one day?

Synopsis : There are two types of job rotation: short-term rotation and long-term rotation. The latter requires deeper learning, real job change, guidelines, contract changes, concurrent employments and more. While short-term job rotation can provide all the benefits above. It’s easier to start with, and it’s the first step to longer job rotation program anyway.

An ROI Roadmap For Talent Acquisition Leaders

Why you should read it : Linda Brenner helps recruiters make a case for increasing their budget.

Synopsis : Recruiting leaders are constantly asked to justify additional investments in their team, tools, and technology. At the same time, they face increasing demands from hiring managers to handle their requisitions quicker and better than other openings in the organization

TAGS: Employee Engagement, HR, Human Resource Blog, recuitment, talent metrics

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