Top 7 posts in the HR space ( October 13th – October 19th)

Weekly Wrap Top HR Articles in the past 7 days

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Technology Is Destroying Our Work-Life Balance

Why you should read it : With the advent of smart phones, the line between work and leisure is more blurry than ever.

Synopsis : Jacob Shriar makes a strong case that technology is hurting our mental health by not letting our brain have any downtime. He states that we have built a culture of where being overworked is the norm and the only alternative to being a workaholic is being a slacker.

3 Tips For Optimizing Diversity At A Startup

Why you should read it : “In a recent analysis of Fortune 500 companies, some 91 percent of CEOs are white men, which is somehow a historic low. “

 Synopsis : A team that lacks diversity is also a team that lacks a holistic view. Although hiring with the goal to solely increase diversity is setting yourself up for failure and often has terrible consequences for your team, at the same time we need to evaluate ourselves before we make our recruiting decisions to recognize any sub-conscious biases we may have.

Keeping Your Diverse Talent: Why They Leave And What You Can Do About It

Why you should read it : High functioning diverse talent is an extremely coveted part of your workforce. Read this article to learn how to retain them in your workforce.

 Synopsis : The previous article helps you increase diversity at your firm which in turn increase innovation. Now that you have worked so hard to find and recruit this talent, it’s time to take steps to retain it as well.

LinkedIn Unveils New Recruiting Products

Why you should read it : Read about LinkedIn’s game changing new employee referral product.

 Synopsis : Employee referrals is one the most effective ways for companies to gain access to great employees, but for a number of reasons it is very difficult for companies to incentivize their employees to participate in these programs. LinkedIn’s new feature that will be released on Nov 1st circumvents these problems and automates referrals.

Creating A Company Culture Where Ideas Are Encouraged

Why you should read it : Create a culture where all your team members feel valued, you never know  from whom your next big idea is going to come from.

 Synopsis : Management by walking around (MBWA) is not a new concept, but it is one of the more effective management methods that is barely used. MBWA allows you to connect with your employee, making them feel valued which gets their creative juices flowing.

Test For Emotional Intelligence And Hire Better

Why you should read it : The emotional quotient is one of the more important aspects of a candidate that we tend to overlook in our recruiting process.

 Synopsis : Some of the common traits of high performers across the board are leadership, great communication skills, people skills, self awareness, self motivation so and so forth. All of these skills can be classified under emotional intelligence. Greg Rokos lists out what we need to do to test our candidates’ Emotional Intelligence.

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