Top 7 posts in the HR space ( September 14th – September 21st)

Weekly Wrap Top HR Articles in the past 7 days

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Early Talent Strategy: Build Now or Buy Later?

 Why you should read it : Find out whether you should invest in training today’s millennial workforce or wait for the ‘finished product’.

 Synopsis : According to Forbes magazine, 60% of millennials leave their job within 3 years of joining. As the average cost of replacing a millennial is between $15,000 and $25,000 per person which raises the question of whether you should invest in early talent now or buy later? Brigette McInnis Day makes some strong data-backed arguments as to why investing in millennial talent today is worth the high cost.

Managerial Fit is More Important than Cultural Fit

 Why you should read it : The importance of the relationship employees have with their managers far outweighs the one they have with their organization.

 Synopsis : While looking at prospective employees, most firms today worry about a cultural fit. But Lou Adler argues that first thing on our minds should be to check for managerial fit. As a manager it is important to be aware of your managerial style, as not every team member needs or wants to be managed the same way. Lou Adler helps you determine your managerial style as well and explains the importance of determining a managerial fit.

Missing From a Healthy C-Suite: Health

Why you should read it : Learn about the latest member of the C-suite i.e. The Chief Health Officer.

 Synopsis : To combat the newer challenges faced by Corporate America, more and more titles are being added to the C-suite. The most recent addition is the Chief Health Officer. In todays high stress environment more and more employees are ‘burning out’ taking with them their skills and knowledge. The CHO ensures that a healthy work life balance is maintained to ensure productivity.

Marijuana in the Workplace: A Hazy Issue for Employers

 Why you should read it : Avoid a potential lawsuit by keeping up with the rapidly changing Marijuana usage laws.

Synopsis : As of today, 23 states have decriminalized the use of medical marijuana and some states even require firms to provide accommodations for registered medical marijuana users. Rachel E.A. Atterberry discusses all that you have to consider if you find yourself in a position where you have to accommodate an employees’ medical marijuana usage.

Don’t Hire: Develop your own Staff

Why you should read it : Save time and resources by looking within your own ranks to fill skill gaps.

Synopsis : Before a new employee can join your ranks you have to spend a number of hours and countless amount of dollars on the recruitment process. All of this time and resources could be saved if instead of recruiting new employees we just developed our existing staff to combat bigger challenges.

Employee Feedback Apps on the Rise

 Why you should read it : Real time, online, 360 degree employee evaluations are quickly replacing the traditional annual review process.

 Synopsis : Annual performance reviews normally come into the picture way too late, usually after a simple bad habit has developed into irreparable damage. Mobile or web – based performance review processes on the other hand provide us with instant feedback such that there is no pitfall in productivity. The instant review process is also greatly appreciated by the younger workforce as they were raised on instant communication.

Believe It Or Not, There Are Pluses To Employees Playing On Smart Phones At Work

Why you should read it : Getting livid every time you see an employee playing on their smartphone might not be the best strategy.

Synopsis : According to a study conducted at Kansas State University, taking short breaks throughout the day, even to play on our smartphones may ultimately increase our mental focus. Using social media or playing games on our phones acts as a substitute for social interaction which ultimately reduces stress, enhancing our productivity.

TAGS: HR, Human Resources, Recruitment

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