Top 7 posts in the HR space ( September 1st – September 7th)

Weekly Wrap Top HR Articles in the past 7 days

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‘Big Data’ Is Shaping Employers’ Benefits Strategies

Why you should read it : Big data promises significant advances in the design and delivery of benefits offering.

Synopsis : Big data is quickly allowing employers to design cost-effective health care plans tailored to their workforce’s demographic and claims history. Steve Bates talks about which metric we need to track to gain insight into our benefits usage and the costs associated with them.

BYOD is dead – long live CYOD!

Why you should read it : Is a ‘Choose Your Own Device’ policy the sweet spot between a BYOD policy and the lack of it?

Synopsis : A bring your own device policy is loved by both employers and employees as it saves employers time and money they would otherwise spend in buying and maintaining corporate devices and employees get to work on devices they love and are comfortable working with. But a lot of times, a BYOD policy is not implementable due to the legal and financial complexities it involves. Lee Naik explains what implementing a choose your own device policy involves and the benefits this policy has.

Google’s Rabbit Hole — Innovatively Sourcing Top Talent Based On Their Search Words

Why you should read it : Read about how Google just revolutionized the field of recruiting. 

Synopsis : Google’s seven month old “rabbit hole “ recruiting program re-purposes keyword sourcing to find top talent without the help of a resume. The hiring program, that seems to draw its inspiration from ‘The Matrix(1997)’,  has had a 100 percent offer acceptance rate so far.

25 Of The Best Employee Perks You Need To Have

Why you should read it : Give your employee retention program the boost it needs.

Synopsis : The benefits provided by companies in Silicon Valley have made all of us a little greedy when it comes to employee benefits. Jacob Shriar has complied a varied list of possible benefits you could provide your employees ranging from philanthropic endeavors, such as a Donation-matching program to bringing an employee, cake on their birthday.

The Tide Is Turning – The Old Ways Of Managing A Workforce Are Evolving

Why you should read it : Is Amazons’ recent kerfuffle an exception or proof of something even more terrifying?

Synopsis : Historically, working an unhealthy number of hours per week was seen as a sign of hard-work and dedication to the company. But today it’s seen as inhumane and unnecessary. Ron Thomas is one of the new age HR professionals who believes that companies need to change their workforce management ways or lose their top talent to their competitors.

No Salary Negotiations Allowed

Why you should read it : Banning salary negotiations doesn’t necessarily result in pay equity.

Synopsis : Joanne Sammer investigates the new trend that is banning salary negotiations. The latest move in reducing pay disparity based on gender or race is banning salary negotiations. But according to experts, quoted by Ms. Sammer in her article, banning salary negotiations may do more harm than good. Joanne also discusses ways in which pay disparity can be combated without banning salary negotiations.

How I hire: demonstrate the skills, don’t just talk about them

Why you should read it : Timothy Way lists out 10 tips and tricks that help him find the best candidates.

Synopsis : In LinkedIn’s latest series, ‘#howIhire’, professionals share their hiring secrets. Timothy Way shares with us his method of wading through the sea of applicants that come his way.

TAGS: HR, Human Resources

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