Top 7 posts in the HR space ( September 21st – September 28th)

Weekly Wrap Top HR Articles in the past 7 days

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Taking the Pulse on Pay

Why you should read it : Read about the variety of factors that will influence next year’s compensation levels.

Synopsis : Compensation is a large part of an employee’s engagement level. Thus companies should be attentive to the compensation trends in the market to retain their employees. David Weldon uses the findings of Aon Hewitt and WorldatWork, two workforce research firms to understand the changes in base pay and variable pay.

Improving ‘Crowdsourced’ Creativity

Why you should read it : Get the maximum contribution from your non-traditional workforce.

Synopsis : Collaboration-focused performance and incentive challenges have proved to produce better results. Today’s workforce is becoming increasingly non-traditional and companies are increasingly relying on individuals that are not full time employees. John Boudreau discusses which performance management methods can be used to get the most out of your workforce.

5 Reasons Why It’s Awesome to Hire Interns

 Why you should read it : The potential benefits of hiring an Intern far outweigh the effort of hosting an intern program.

Synopsis : Hiring interns brings along with it a plethora of benefits. Besides being an extra hands on deck, they revitalize the energy at the office and bring along with them their infectious love for learning. And if you play your cards right, interns can act as brand ambassadors.

Why Should CIO’s Work With HR?

Why you should read it : HR and Technology have joined hands to bring in the new age of human resource management

Synopsis :  Today, technological advancements are the linchpin in all of HR’s functions. In the field of recruitment, it is important to use technology to find new and innovative ways to find talent ; In employee engagement, technology is a key for processes such as gamification. Jacqueline Chan has listed out all the ways in which you should collaborate with your CIO, to make you HR efforts world class.

Ernst & Young Stopped Requiring Degrees. Should you?

Why you should read it : Should you swap out requiring degrees for online testing?

Synopsis : “The U.K. offices of Ernst & Young have announced they will stop requiring degrees, but instead will offer online testing and search out talented individuals regardless of background.” Suzanne Lucas debates whether degrees should be used as a measuring indicator of a person’s capabilities.

 Three Strategies to Help HR Manage Morale When Employees Leave

Why you should read it : Find out how to keep morale up after a key employee leaves.

Synopsis : Like any change, terminations can be hard. Negativity can spring from uncertainty if there aren’t tools in place to combat it. Train everyone in your company to keep things confidential, move forward and address any concerns. Make it part of your culture to guide employee behavior, and plan your policies to be fair to everyone. Doing so will make difficult termination transitions a little easier.

 The Best And Worst Times To Rehire Former Employees

Why you should read it : Now that hiring boomerang employees has become more acceptable, find out when is the best and worst time to do so.

Synopsis : Earlier employers used to look at boomerang employees in a negative light as they would feel that the employee abandoned the firm for greener pastures. But while hiring for positions that require specialized skills, a recruiter’s job is made significantly easier if there is a boomerang employee in the candidate pool. But depending on the circumstances the employee left in, hiring him or her might not be the best option.

TAGS: HR, Human Resources, Internship, pay

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