Win-Win Game: Online HR Tool can Make your Workplace Popular

Online HR Tool

HR on Cloud

Since the evolution of business era, companies have always made efforts to attract top talent by providing them best career development opportunities, competitive compensation and a happy workplace to work in. Employers adapt these qualities and nurture their top talent with the aim to be seen as a great workplace for employees.

Having a competent, smart and proficient team than the competitors is itself a great achievement in the process of growing business and generating high revenues. Today, employers follow the prevalent trend in HRM to introduce highly functional online HR tool, like employee self-service, to make their workforce well-informed, independent and self-motivated.

With the help of an online ESS system, employees handle comprehensive job-related tasks, like updating personal data, applying for reimbursement, accessing company information, checking payroll records and others.
One straight benefit of making employee self-service software an integral part of organizational change is – it streamlines all the business processes while eliminating administrative intervention and allows employees to enjoy ‘paperless’ office.

Benefits of ESS System for an Employer & Employees

An ESS system is the single, secure repository for keeping confidential HR information. Employees can have holistic view of their leave, attendance, timesheet, travel & expense and payroll records. Let’s see how implementation of an employee self-service tool reduces workload of HR team.

Efficient centralized communication hub

ESS immediately connects employees on different levels of business even when they are geographically located at different locations. The cloud based software seamlessly rolls out timesheet, mailing lists and payroll records without any hassles. The reliable employee self-service tool eliminate unnecessary “email all” communications and allow employees to directly access information that is required at the moment. It saves time and efforts of an employee which can be used to increase productivity for the employer benefit.

Reduce HR queries by a large percentage

When employees are given freedom to manage their own leave requests, personal information records, etc., they have less queries for HR professionals. The employee becomes in-charge of their own welfare which makes them self-motivated.

Integrated application eliminates chances of errors

The cloud based employee self-service software is an integrated application which cuts down the probability of human error or miscommunications. For instance: A manager who is responsible for managing leaves for 10+ employees manually might miss out accessing leave request mails from his team members, resulting in inaccurate leave update followed by incorrect compensation. However, the integration of an automated ESS system updates leave requests instantly and it automatically updates data in the manager’s records, leaving no chances of errors and inaccuracies.

Bottom line…

An ESS software is considered as one of the most reliable online HR tools that makes it easier for employees to access critical information without taking help from third person and it enables effective communications across the organization.

Try using Empxtrack ESS system to get clear insight on how it can help you ensure compliance and reduce costs.

TAGS: Cloud HR, HR, HR Technology, Online HR Tools

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