
Home » Empxtrack Help » API Integration » Employee Objects » RelationshipManager » deleteRelationshipBasedManager

employee_RelationShipManager.deleteRelationshipBasedManager(String empId,String managerId,String relationShipType)

The employee_RelationShipManager.deleteRelationshipBasedManager method allows you to delete the relationship manager of an employee from the system.

  • empId : String type mandatory argument that stores the employee id of the employee whose relationship manager needs to be deleted.
  • managerId: String type mandatory argument that stores the manager id of the employee.
  • relationShipType:String type mandatory argument that stores the relationship type of the employee’s manager.

Success output if the operation succeeded. An exception if an error is encountered

  • Unauthorized Access: If access is not allowed to the employee whose apiKey is passedIn
  • InvalidRelationship: If relationship type is invalid or does not map to the employee.

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