An employee can apply for the leave types available to them. Empxtrack also allows Manager and HR manager to apply leave on behalf of an employee. This help page demonstrates steps to apply for leave as an employee and HR manager.
Apply for leave as an Employee
Watch the video for step-by-step instructions to apply leave as an employee
To apply leave, you need to:
Log into the system as an Employee.
On the Dashboards homepage, go to the Leave widget and click Actions icon corresponding to the leave type that you want to apply for. Click Apply as shown in figure 1.
Figure 1
Alternatively, you can also click on Time based activities icon and Apply for leave. Thirdly, you can also type “apply for leave” in the Searchbar and select the option as My leave record, apply for leave.
The Apply for Leave: <Leave Type> dialog appears, as shown in Figure 2. It displays the leave approval workflow at the top. It shows the roles of all the approvers at each stage of the workflow with their names.
Usually, once you apply for leave, it is submitted to your manager who approves it and submits it to HR manager to get updated in the leave records. However, this leave workflow may change according to your company’s specific requirements by your HR Manager.
Select a leave type from the Leave type dropdown, and then specify the start date and end date of the leave from Duration calendar controls. The total number of days you would be on leave appear.
Figure 2
Mention a reason in the Specify a reason for the leave and click Apply. The leave is successfully applied and a message suggesting the same appears.
Apply for a Compensatory Off
An employee is entitled to avail a Compensatory leave against a day, when the employees has worked on a non-workingday.
1. Login as an Employee. 2. On the Dashboards homepage, go to the Leave widget and click Actions icon corresponding to Compensatory off leave type. Click Acquire icon to avail the Comp off leave.
Figure 3
Note: Compensatory Leave type and Work From Home can be configured in the Setup leave types. An employee can avail Compensatory off only if this allowed by their employer.
A window Acquire: Comp Off appears as shown below. Input the Day and Specify a reason for the leave in the textboxes.
Figure 4
4. Click Apply button. The request is submitted to the Manager (depending upon the leave approval workflow – it may vary for each organization).
Once the leave is accepted by the Manager, there count for Compensatory off leave is increased by 1. The Compensatory leave type is credited with one day (as shown in Figure 5).
Figure 5
5. Apply for the leave by clicking on the Actions icon and click Apply. 6. Select the Day by using calendar controls. 7. Select the date again which you wish to avail the Comp off leave from the Avail against dropdown. All the Comp off that an employee has worked for are listed here.
Figure 6
8. Click Apply button. A message suggesting that the leave application is sent to the manager appears on the screen.
Apply for leave on behalf of an employee as an HR Manager
Watch a video on how manager or HR can view and manage leave for team
To apply for a leave on behalf of an employee, you need to:
Login to the system as an HR manager/ HR admin.
On the Dashboards homepage, go to Role and features menu and click Leave. The Leave details page appears on the screen.
Figure 7
Scroll down towards the end of the page and click Apply leavefor others. A dialog box appears where you can Select the employee (by their name, email id or employee number) on whose behalf you wish raise a leave request. Click Go button.
Figure 8
Select a leave type and fill in all the necessary details such as leave date and reason of absence.
Click Apply. A message appears on the screen suggesting that the leave for selected employee is applied successfully.
A manager can also apply for a leave on behalf of their subordinate. To do that, click Approve Leave as Manager and follow the steps.