A manager evaluates subordinates once the appraisals are submitted to them. A manager can evaluate and rate selected employees together on the same form or rate one employee on all the forms. Evaluating multiple team members on the same form and on the same attribute allows comparison of the performance of all the team members in one go. This help page demonstrates steps to evaluate a team member at a time.
Note: The steps mentioned below are of Empxtrack Enterprise product.
Watch a video on how managers complete appraisal for their team members
To evaluate a team member, you need to:
- Log in to the system as a Manager.
- On the Homepage, click Performance appraisals tab. A page appears as shown in Figure 1.
- Filter the appraisal records by selecting relevant period, appraisal tag and groups from the Time period, Appraisal tag and Manage groups dropdown. To learn how to filter appraisal records, Click Filter records and follow the steps.
Figure 1
The page displays appraisals of your team members for the current time period.
- To evaluate an individual, click Evaluate icon corresponding to the name of the employee. A page appears that display a list of appraisal forms, as shown in Figure 2.By default, first form i.e. Introduction form is open that displays general help instructions to fill appraisal forms.
Figure 2
- Click on each of the forms listed under Appraisal forms to rate and evaluate the team member.
- Click Goalsheet form to provide rating and comments. Goalsheet form appears as shown in Figure 3. The form displays the subordinate’s comments and ratings on each parameter in the Employee row on the page.
- Now you can select Rating and provide Comments for each goal.

Figure 3
8. Click Add a note button if you want to add remarks and then click on the Save button. The ratings and comments are saved successfully and a message suggesting the same appears on the screen.
9. Click Next form button. Competencies form appears that contains the competencies relevant to job profile of the subordinate. You can view ratings given by the subordinate for each competency as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4
10. To evaluate competencies, select Rating and provide Comments against each competency.
11. Click Add a note button if you want to add remarks and then click on the Save button. The ratings and comments for all competencies are saved successfully and a message suggesting the same appears on the screen.
Similarly, you can evaluate the team member on all the forms (number of appraisal forms depend upon the appraisal plan).
12. Click Next form button. Final score form appears that displays the calculated scores for the individual forms on the appraisal, as shown in Figure 5. You can only view those forms that are scorable.
The scores are based on a scale of 1 – 100 and each forms weight and individual score calculation determines the Overall score calculated for the appraisal.

Figure 5
13. Provide your comments in the Manager comments textbox. If you want to add your remarks, click Add a note button and then click Save button.
14. Click Next form button and Submit page appears where you can view any of the notes that are added so far.

Figure 6
15. Click Submit button.
The form is successfully submitted to HR depending upon the workflow defined for the appraisal.
Corrective Action Plan
Manager can create a corrective action plan for employees when they are unable to meet expectations. A corrective action or Performance Improvement Plan is a formal process to document employee’s inefficiency to achieve goals and an easy approach to help them meet their objectives.
- Manager can initiate a new corrective action by following the path: On the Homepage, click on the Corrective action tab >> Click Initiate corrective action link >> Select an employee and start a PIP for them. Once the PIP is created, manager can add specific goals and a timeline for their achievement in the PIP and submit the same. Based on the approval process, the corrective action will be created.
- On the chosen next follow-up date, you will be reminded to Capture follow-up notes and give your feedback on the goals. Continue the corrective action by setting up a new follow-up date, mark it closed or even initiate an exit for the employee.
- HR manager can view status of all the corrective action plans for a specific time period. Follow the path: Login as an HR manager >> click on the Corrective action tab on the Homepage >> Multiple corrective action plans and their status can be viewed on the page.
Click on any of the following links to know more about them
- Setup Performance Appraisal Plans
- Initiate Appraisal
- Change Appraisal State
- Configure Performance Potential Settings
- Appraisal-Employee Access
- Manage Team Appraisal – Filter Records
- Print Appraisal
- Manager Appraisal Dashboard
- Create a new Rating Scale