The Information XChange
Volume 7, April 2014
Letter from the CEO
Greetings Reader,
Welcome to the seventh issue of Information X Change – EmpXtrack’s monthly newsletter for sharing perspectives on the HR space and the latest about Empxtrack’s offerings.
This issue focuses on the need for HR automation. How it helps and what are the challenges faced by an organization during HR automation. There is also a post on how an Applicant Tracking system can make the hiring process in an organization very simple. This is supported by a slide share presentation on the Applicant Tracking process.
Your feedback is valuable to us.
Do write in to us at [email protected] for questions, queries and comments. Happy reading!

Latest Happenings
Many companies in India, US, Middle East became Empxtrack customers in March
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Empxtrack Online purchase has become much easier now. This DIY guide helps you in purchasing EmpXtrack and setup the application for initial use by clearing all the data
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As a part of employee engagement activity, all the employees enjoyed a fun filled outing to bowling and rides
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