The Ray Of Hope In Recession For Human Resources

The Ray of Hope in Recession for Human Resources

While reading an article in Jon’s Carnival of HR,”Carnevale delle Risorse Umane: 18 February 2009” I realized how seriously the HR domain has been affected by recession. After all, it is the HR department that is tasked with the thankless job of laying off people, because businesses can no longer afford to pay them. Employees … Read more

The Future of Human Resources Management

Prayag Consulting, a leading technology marketing firm, recently interviewed the President of Saigun Technologies and the Chief Architect of Empxtrack, Tushar Bhatia, regarding the trends in HR Technology, the future of Human Resources management and entrepreneurship. Here are excerpts from the interview that appeared in their newsletter Focal Point. What the future holds for Human … Read more
effectiveness of performance appraisal system

How to Ensure Effectiveness of Performance Appraisal?

(Updated 2021) Employee performance review is traditionally done in a formal, top-down manner, which reduces it’s effectiveness. Employees are reviewed once or twice a year (for no apparent reason) and given ratings based on their KRAs. A report by SHRM states that 95% of managers are not satisfied with their company’s annual performance appraisal process. … Read more

Raising Bar for Performance: Case Study

About the Case Study Benefits of Web 2.0/SaaS-based Performance Management System for Educational Institutions Inside This Case Study » The need for performance management in educational institutions. » Challenges of implementing a performance management system in educational institutions. » Superior technology for performance management by Empxtrack. » Implementation of Performance Management System. » Experience of … Read more

What is a bigger problem: Managing Performance appraisals or writing accurate appraisals?

When organizing a software training workshop for a major Electric Power Distribution Corporation in New Delhi, I asked Vikram Singh, one of the participating Senior Managers, who has a team size of 150 employees for performance review, “What is the bigger problem when conducting Performance appraisals: managing appraisals or writing accurate appraisals?“. Vikram’s company employs … Read more
How to Win Friends and Influence People

Successfactors of a Leader – Remembering Names

Sometimes back I wrote a post ‘What’s in the name? SuccessFactors for HR‘ where I mentioned the special skill of an HR manager who knows every employee by name. While I was reviewing a new feature in the software EmpXtrack, called Employee Hierarchy (similar to an Organization Chart), I recollected one such incident. It was … Read more
Employee motivation

Make sure your rewards motivate your employees!

During one of my conversations with the CEO of a start-up, the discussion turned towards Compensation Planning to motivate employees, especially the talented ones. We agreed that the most talented ones need continuous motivation to maintain their momentum. During the discussion, the CEO narrated a bad experience concerning a talented employee, whom he admired, wanted … Read more

Ten tips for downsizing with grace in difficult economic times

Difficult economic times require tough calls, and, downsizing is one of the most difficult decisions that a company can take. Though downsizing is the most hated task; it is a necessary evil when looking to save a company during an economic collapse. With some effort, organizations can minimize the effect of downsizing on their employees. … Read more

Impact of HR Technology Solution in Retail Management

About the Case Study This case study is about the Human Resources Management challenges faced by a retail organization with 10,000+ employees across 150 locations and the HR solution (Empxtrack Professional Edition) provided to address these challenges. About the Client The organization that partnered with Saigun in the case study is one of the largest … Read more
Bad hr practices

Top Ten Bad HR Practices

Everybody talks about practicing the best HR practices, which is a good start but pretty useless if bad practices continue to persist. So what are the top ten bad HR practices which need to be eliminated? 1. Employee has no access to personal data (over-confidentiality): Can’t view or update personal information; have no access to … Read more